This Two-Minute Morning Practice Will Make Your Day Better

All of us have a mile long todo lists and the list keeps growing every day. How do you ever manage or gain some control over it? Three simple things can be tried out that could work wonders on your todo list, priorities and peace of mind.

I will focus on

Write down 2-3 things that you would focus on for the day. Focus on this and complete it and ignore the piled up todos. This converts the could dos, should dos to done. Gradually you will find that your todos are more manageable and gain control over the tasks. 

Ideally buy a pack of 4×3″ index card, write down the tasks on one side, carry it with you and strike off when completed. This practice eliminates the decision fatigue and gets work completed.

All of us tend to be focussed on the negative outcome throughout our life. It is born out of the centuries of evolution based on the flight or fight syndrome. This makes us share bad news instantly, each bad, controversial news constantly. This has undesirable effects on our health both physical and mental. This practice of taking up 2-3 tasks from your evergrowing todo lists, writes them down on an index card and carrying them with you makes you committed to the limited task that you have assigned yourself. It also reduces decision fatigue when we keep debating on what to do next.

I am grateful for

To overcome the negative thoughts that automatically surface for any event, Start writing down every day all that you are grateful for. It will not only make you happier but also healthier.

Be specific about what you are grateful for. Avoid generalities like my hoe, parents, friends etc., Write it down on the back of the same index card you use for daily task completion. 

There is one more aspect to consider. You may be carrying too many worries and stress that makes you restless and feel dissatisfied. Share what is worrying you and this will help you get over it.

I will let go of

Lots of things happen every day that irritate, angers you. It may be rude mail, shouting, shoving, abuses or anything that comes on your shoulders for no reason. 

Add this to the back of the index card. Write down anything that upset you, and let go of it. This will lift a big load off your shoulders and make you feel more contended.

This practice takes just 2 minutes of your time. Nut the benefits would be huge. This primes your brain for positivity and helps to ensure that the day starts on a positive note and remains that way. 

This practice will reduce stress and improve quality of life.

This Two-Minute Morning Practice Will Make Your Day Better
by Neil Pasricha HBR 2021/02

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